Apply For a Grant

METAvivor funds research that specifically addresses the mechanistic understanding, diagnosis, and/or treatment of metastatic breast cancer. All individuals with a clinical doctoral degree or with a doctoral degree who are actively engaged in areas of metastatic breast cancer research and treatment are eligible to apply.




METAvivor Translational Research Award: 3 years, $450,000 award for established investigators.

Grant Portal Opens: 2/5/2025

Required Letter of Intent Due: 3/11/2025


METAvivor Early Career Investigator Award: 2 years, $200,000 award available to early career applicants (investigators within 10 years of their degree award date and within 6 years of starting their first non-tenured position if started).

Grant Portal Opens: 2/6/2025

Required Letter of Intent Due: 3/12/2025

New for 2025! 

Quality of Life Research Award: 2 years, $200,000 award to provide a supporting foundation for translational and clinical research designed to improve quality of life and/or mitigate side effects of those living with metastatic breast cancer. 

Grant Portal Opens: 2/7/2025

Required Letter of Intent Due: 3/13/2025


Researchers: click *here* for training slides. Training Q&A will be 2/10/25 at 1 PM EASTERN. Click here to register for the Q&A.

Interested in being a patient advocate reviewer? Click here to fill out an interest form.