
METAvivor's campaigns increase public awareness of MBC and the discrepancies in breast cancer funding for research for the already metastasized patient.  We disseminate the latest information about metastatic cancer and research, educate the community about the latest clinical trials, and represent the unique needs of the metastatic breast cancer community. We “hit the road” every other year and travel across the United States to meet with researchers and attend events with MBC patients.

All of this is not possible without sponsorship. If you know a company that may like to sponsor one of our campaigns, please let us know.



METAvivor is teaming up with Moore Fight Moore Strong for the 6th Annual #LightUpMBC global landmark campaign to shine a light on the importance of awareness and funding for metastatic breast cancer research. Over 115 iconic landmarks across the world will illuminate in green, teal and pink for Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day on October 13, 2024. This will culminate with a virtual broadcast called #LightUpMBC Live featuring inspiring stories told by the MBC community.



Stage IV Stampede

Stage IV Stampede will be in person this year in Washington DC. Registration coming soon!

When: October 8th & 9th, 2024

Tell Your Members of Congress, “Don’t Ignore Stage IV” 



Sea to Sea for MBC

Sea to Sea for MBC 2024 

Sea to Sea 4 MBC is METAvivor's signature program that brings resources and information to those living with metastatic breast cancer and raises awareness about the disease. Patients, caregivers and friends hop aboard the Mets Mobile (a small RV wrapped in MBC colors and information about MBC) and travel across the U.S. sharing their stories, sharing facts about MBC providing information about clinical trials and sharing resources with people along the way. We need drivers, planners and interested friends to help us make this the best year back on the road! 


Legislative Advocacy Campaign

Our Legislative Advocacy campaign kicked off in October 2016, and will be a long-term effort to increase research funding for Stage IV metastatic cancer on a national level.  We will also advocate for faster and easier access to health benefits and potentially life-saving, innovative treatments for MBC patients.  Learn more about the plan, and about how you can participate.




Women (and men) do not die from breast cancer. They die when their breast cancer metastasizes and spreads to other parts of the body. There has been a huge push for breast cancer awareness in the past two decades, with a tremendous focus on prevention and early detection. We wish these efforts had been successful. But the simple truth is that after two decades and billions of dollars, breast cancer has not been prevented and early detection has proven no guarantee against metastasis and death.  And while these billions have been focused elsewhere, almost 1,000,000 American women and men have died while waiting for research funds to finally be shifted to metastasis research. This tragic truth is lost in the sea of pink promotions.  We cannot and will not allow this to go on.
