Take Action

If you know someone who has died from breast cancer, they died from metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Yet, only 2 - 5% of money for breast cancer research is dedicated toward understanding metastatic breast cancer, or finding solutions to extend the lives of MBC patients. We need your help to shift the public discussion and prompt action for our disease.  Together, we can be the catalyst for change. A diagnosis of MBC is terminal. Those with a diagnosis of MBC have unique needs such as the need for expedited benefits, including Social Security and disability income.  They also want to have the Right to Try new treatment and therapies and, of course, need affordable health insurance that will meet their unique needs.


In the sea of pink breast cancer awareness campaigns, METAvivor is the “Elephant in the Pink Room”. We work to raise awareness about metastatic, Stage IV breast cancer, and to fund research to extend the lives of people living with MBC. Learn More


METAvivor regularly launches public awareness and advocacy campaigns to increase understanding about metastatic breast cancer, to help increase funding for research focused on the already-metastasized patient, and to advocate for improved benefits and treatments for patients living with MBC. We encourage you to get involved in our campaigns.


METAvivor partners with corporations and other organizations to promote awareness and research for metastatic breast cancer. Learn More


METAvivor raises funds and awards grants for metastatic breast cancer research, with the goal of improving the lives of patients. Please consider sponsoring a fundraiser, big or small, to help fund our critical work. We offer ideas and assistance to ensure your efforts are successful and meaningful. Learn More


The current sad truth about metastatic breast cancer is that almost no one survives it. But the memories of those who have lived with this disease will never die. We recognize those who have passed and preserve their stories  through our online memorial wall to honor all of those who have gone before us. Learn more about posting a tribute to your loved one.


Donations made to METAvivor go directly to fund grant awards for metastatic breast cancer research (unless the donor designates otherwise). Make a donation today in the name of someone you love, or consider planned giving and legacy gifts that will support our cause and save the lives of future METAvivors.  Click here to make an online donation, or to get more information on planned giving or including METAvivor in your estate plan.