Grant Program

METAvivor sponsors the type of breast cancer research that will save lives. To date, we have awarded over $37 million in research with 218 grants. Visit our Grants Awarded page to learn how these grants are contributing to the small but growing body of knowledge about metastatic breast cancer.

Each year METAvivor puts out a request for metastatic breast cancer research proposals. The request is widely advertised within the metastasis research community and announced by the Metastasis Research Society.

US citizens and non-citizen US nationals having a clinical or other doctoral degree and actively engaged in metastatic breast cancer research in the United States are eligible to apply.

Qualifying proposals meet a Review Board comprised of career metastasis researchers who conduct a rigorous, formal review. Their recommendation is discussed with the METAvivor Board of Directors, which then selects the grant recipients.

Awards are presented annually in December.

The annual grant cycle begins in February. Please check back occasionally for more detailed information, or sign up to receive emails about the grant program.