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I was recently asked to comment upon a flier of unknown origin that was making the rounds on Facebook. On it were three pink circles, each with one lonely cut-out sequentially labeled 1.1% (DoD), 17.3% (Komen) and 27% (NIH). Written across the top in bold letters was: “How much breast cancer research money is spent on prevention? Way less than you’d think.” Whether the originator truly believes this or whether he or she is simply taking advantage of the fact that the pie charts can be misleading, I do not know. What I do know is that it’s time to set the record straight.
Recently, Dian “CJ” Corneliussen-James, co-founder of, stepped down as President. We will continue to benefit from her passion and commitment as she serves in her new role as Director of Advocacy. We are pleased and fortunate that Kelly Lange stepped up to become our new President. Here is a message from Kelly to all our friends and supporters.
Research Project: The goal of this research is to determine the efficacy of a novel drug therapy for HER2+ and Triple Negative (TN) breast cancers that have metastasized to the brain and to establish its potential for use in clinical trials.Treatment for Brain Mets: A METAvivor Research Grant
Research Project: Dr. Mastro received a METAvivor grant in January, 2012 for her research proposal: Dormancy or growth? A three dimensional in vitro system to study breast cancer metastases in bone.
At the end of September I went to a local store and they were totally decked out in pink – ready for the Pinktober onslaught. My first thought was, “I won’t be able to come to this store for the whole month of October.” I knew they would be asking for money for awareness, for research and to support non-metastatic survivors. But knowing what I know about stage IV and the lack of funding and support for our disease, I knew I would not be able to keep my mouth shut. And the total lack of estrogen in my body can be verbally ugly.