METAvivor MRS Engagement Conference Travel Grant Policy

BY METAvivor Board of Directors

METAvivor is looking forward to the upcoming Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) Engagement Conference at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center on June 22 and 23. METAvivor and the Metastasis Research Society are committed to bringing top notch researchers to this forum for all of us to learn and share information. Research, awareness, support and education has been our mission since 2009, and we are making a positive difference in research and treatment protocols for patients. The upcoming MBC Engagement Conference will culminate with a clear list of translational and clinical effectiveness research priorities for stage IV metastatic breast cancer. It is the first ever conference of its type and we hope you will be a part of it.

MRS and METAvivor are thrilled to offer patient travel awards through a generous grant from PCORI. It will benefit many men and women with metastatic breast cancer that may not be able to attend without this resource.  Recipients of the travel grant are required to attend all conference sessions to be eligible for the award. The patient travel awards are restricted to conference events only as stated in the award of the engagement grant.

There has been some discussion about a peaceful protest during the conference. Please know that patients and/or attendees will neither be encouraged nor discouraged from participating in the protest. However, due to restrictions of the funding, we will be unable to fund any travel awards specific to this event or for anyone who elects to participate in the protest instead of attending the engagement conference.

Ultimately, decisions regarding participation in events such as these are personal for each individual and we respect those decisions. At this time, our focus must remain on this important project.

We thank you for your continued support of METAvivor.

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