Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver Writes Book To Help Others

BY METAvivor


An MBC thriver, Cassie Romano, recently published a book:  What To Expect When You Weren't Expecting Metastatic Breast Cancer.  

She writes: Our book is a short, “kids-style” book for adults that discusses the feelings and experiences someone might go through after getting a diagnosis of stage iv breast cancer.  It’s a very quick and easy read with beautiful illustrations to help others process a life-changing diagnosis such as this.  Sometimes it can be overwhelming to sit and read a book with hundreds of pages of information, especially when you are first diagnosed with MBC. That’s why I am so proud of this book, it offers valuable insight to anyone feeling overwhelmed after receiving a stage iv breast cancer diagnosis. This colorful and heartfelt book is also helpful for loved ones looking for a better understanding of what someone living with MBC might be going through and ways they can possibly help.

You may pick up your copy of Cassie's book here

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